Thursday, September 10, 2020

Translation: except for swimming, no high school team sports for fall.

Executive Order No. 180 came down from on high yesterday.

And it functionally bans football, volleyball, and soccer.

Because now masks are required for all players.

It has been many a moon since I played football, but the thought of trying to play the sport while wearing a mask over my mouth and nose defies description.

The boys will be dropping like flies during the two-a-days. I can't imagine it will be much more fun for the other athletes, either.

So, they will quickly close up shop after a couple of weeks of struggling to comply--and literally struggling to catch their collective breath.

But the pros are excepted, because of course they are. So, those of you inclined to watch our tragicomic professional franchise can do so knowing they won't have to struggle extra-hard to breathe.


  1. MO has actually been doing something similar. :( I had to get a doctor's note for my kid not to have to wear a mask while playing volleyball. MHSAA says to wear a mask "except while doing strenuous activity" and apparently volleyball doesn't qualify. I'm guessing no one at MHSAA has bothered to watch a good volleyball game. I do believe the football players are exempt, but the schools and local governments expect them to wear them. No deaths from that yet, thank God. I'm so ready for all of this to stop. What will make people get back to life? I used to think the election would. Now I'm not so sure.

    1. I dread this autumn, not least for the fact it is going to drive us back indoors. We are social beings and isolation does damage, too.

  2. I didn't play that much football in HS but Lord knows I couldn't do it. I have a hard enough time just putting one on to go grocery shopping across the street. I rip the thing off as soon as I leave the place. I'm 64 so there is that but I still don't think that we're dealing with the bubonic plague here.

    1. 45 minutes is my maximum in a mask and drops with temperature. The end of my shopping trips for the Eight Prices involve rolling grab and gos. It's not as anxiety-inducing as the store visits in March and April, but there's still wear-and-tear.

  3. All professional sports are dead to me. This is the fourth year of NFL football. Not one minute. I turn off the news when it comes on. Now all of the other pro sports are political too. I'm just done with them. I hope they all go broke.

    In high school, I was a wrestler. I suppose that will be gone too this year. The poor students. Many only have this chance to play in HS.


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