Wednesday, April 07, 2021

Vaccine reluctance crosses racial and political lines.

I have received the first dose of the Pfizer vaccine and will get the last in a couple of weeks. I think it is salutary and it was the right decision for me in my situation.

But I won't be wagging my finger at the more reluctant among us. There are various legitimate concerns about the vaccines ranging from the novelty of their RNA background to bad-to-horrific historical experiences with health care institutions--to name but two. Obviously, there can be other factors which involve reasoned calculations against getting the jab(s).

You will see infographics about vaccine reluctance in "red states," and while there is no doubt resistance among rural whites, there is also reluctance among African American populations which the slick partisan presentations frequently elide. And there is good reason for African-Americans to be wary--generations of substandard care would make anyone reluctant to get jabbed with a brand new medical treatment for which there is no legal recourse if it goes south.

Michigan shows both phenomena, and again, I can understand why people are skeptical

A little space for folks who are reluctant would be nice.

I'm looking at you, Karens.

Oh, and one more thing: I'm not carrying around a "vaccine passport" of any kind. Just in case you're wondering.


  1. You will be getting the second dose in a couple of weeks time. Whether it will be "the last" dose remains to be seen.

  2. That may be true, fair enough. But I think we can agree it is dependent upon other factors. Not least is my choice in the matter.


Be reasonably civil. Ire alloyed with reason is fine. But slagging the host gets you the banhammer.

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