Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Eli Savit, Friend to Johns and Sex Traffickers.

I'm torn on about this one: on the one hand, you get what you vote for, and Savit practically panted while telling the voters of Washtenaw (Ann Arbor) County about his big plans for breaking glass everywhere. And the well-heeled whites tittered excitedly at the prospect of being Portland East and chose this sack of shit.

Congrats--you own the empowerment of human trafficking and sex abusers that his "no prosecution for johns" policy ensures.

On the other hand, a humanitarian crisis can be averted by higher levels of authority stripping away prosecutorial discretion.

That has to happen here. It's one thing to decriminalize the selling of sex--that appears to be a policy with merit. 

But it's another thing to ring the dinner bell for exploiters. Which is what Savit is doing. 

The Legislature needs to step in and strip away the ability of prosecutors to roll out the welcome mat to sex trafficking.

Ideally, Washtenaw voters will give this creep the boot in 2024. But in Balkan America, there's hardly a guarantee that will happen. In the meantime, the State can't let the victims pile up.

Anyway, here's the anti-trafficking approach, which is mercifully free of the bullshit about "empowered sex workers" that is peddled by the 1% who enjoy being/buying high-end courtesans:

What we need is a policy with a statewide demand-reduction strategy, providing a legal framework with criminal penalties as well as treatment and rehabilitation. 

My anti-trafficking recommendation is for partial decriminalization, also known as the Equality Model. This model includes three equally important components: 

First, we must decriminalize and offer services to prostituted people. We need to educate and address public perceptions regarding prostitution. Prostitution isn’t glamorous; it is exploitation of a human being. and it is inhumane. People in prostitution must be provided exit strategies and services, not arrest.

Second, we must hold exploiters accountable, including sex buyers and third-party facilitators such as pimps and traffickers.

Third, we must provide a comprehensive and funded continuum of safe harbor, treatment and restoration services for all trafficked persons. A comprehensive approach not only protects, but also provides treatment and restoration services.

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