Monday, November 16, 2020

Another lockdown.

Been a bit busy in realspace, hence the lack of posting.

Dealing with attorneys can be quite taxing--especially for other attorneys.

Speaking of taxing legal matters, Michigan is in another "three week" lockdown-like regime, this time courtesy of the Department of Health and Human Services.

But backed by the enforcement power of the Gov and AG, both of whom know more than you. You may recall that the last "three week" "curve-bending" lasted several months, in various forms. 

Work from home is mandatory unless it is not possible. Restaurants are again closed to dine-in service, as are theatres, group exercise classes and mirabile dictu, the Detroit casinos. No in-person high school classes or sports, either. 

I get it--the cases are undeniably surging. But the Michigan Restaurant and Lodging Association's press release, if accurate, suggests that the new order will be an economic gut punch to employees and small businesses with comparatively little health benefit.

Meanwhile, our garbage ruling class was planning banquets while the post-stimulus economic agony hits full stride.

The reality is that this is going to go longer than three weeks and we all know it.

I am curious to see what the Archdiocese does. The Mass dispensation has been extended to Ash Wednesday 2021, but public Masses remain open. Hopefully, the lack of outbreaks from parishes will encourage them to stay the course.

In better news, Moderna is reporting that its vaccine is, from preliminary results, 95% effective.

Here's hoping.


  1. My thoughts already today:

  2. "Hopefully, the lack of outbreaks from parishes will encourage them to stay the course."

    The lack of any outbreaks in schools hasn't prevented them from keeping them closed in many areas, so I wouldn't have too much faith in the ability of our overlords, err, government officials from properly assessing the science and data.

  3. "Dealing with attorneys can be quite taxing--especially for other attorneys."

    That should be inscribed on tablets of stone, it is so true.

  4. You'll notice they never institute measures which work to protect and isolate vulnerable populations - those over 60 and those over 50 with weight problems. You can never figure out if it's stupidity or ulterior motives driving this.

    1. That Whitmer is still fine with sending infected patients to nursing homes has ensured that I will give my unflagging support and resources to her 2022 opponent.


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New digs for ponderings about Levantine Christianity.

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