Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Miniature Painting Update.

Memos to self:

1. Never make a Techmarine your intro to 40k miniature painting.

2. Never use blue as a basecoat when 5% of the finished mini will be blue. And you'll end up repainting the blue anyway.

3. Painting is far more enjoyable than I thought it would be.

4. But never make a Techmarine your intro to 40k miniature painting.

This is about 85% done.

1 comment:

  1. As someone who has painted a bit, I hit on a black base coat, highlighted with white before putting colors on. It gives a nice, precise look at gaming distances. Also, learning to use glazes popped my colors. One more unsolicited tip: try to learn to paint sitting upright at your table with the light over your shoulder, holding the piece with a hemostat. It will save a lot of back-neck pain in the long run. (Historicals, Warhammer Fantasy before GDW nuked it, and PP Warmachine before you had to download the latest errata before every game to decide which special ability trumped with other special ability.


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