Thursday, May 05, 2022

Ayn Rand couldn't have said it better.

As you read it, you will understand exactly why the memer does not want to engage with questions like life and being.

Just put a heavier jacket when you go through the ice-cold, solipsistic repudiation of solidarity with any other human being, in the womb or directly breathing the polarized air.

And then remember that men have been and still are subject to being coerced into trauma, mutilation and death on behalf of their fellow human beings via the suspended--but not abrogated--military draft. But they aren't women, so who cares?

Just as well that some people aren't parents.


1 comment:

  1. As I like to play devil's advocate at times, I like to ask how the above arguments don't also apply to child support? If women can opt out of bearing children, then shouldn't it be fair for men to opt out of paying for them? (Especially if the man has no say in the kid being born in the first place.)


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A couple secrets, actually. The first is Lebanese and Syrian cooking. At our new Melkite parish, the Divine Liturgy has been followed by Len...