Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Frederick Douglass and Irish emancipation.

Donald McClarey at the American Catholic is always worth reading, but he absolutely knocks it out of the park with his history posts. This one is no exception, chronicling the meeting of the liberator of Ireland and the Elijah of emancipation.

Not so by the way, Douglass' Narrative of The Life of Frederick Douglass is a must read. He revised it over time (the 1845 version protected those who helped him escape), and I have only read the first. But it is a work of remarkable power, and a searing indictment of those who do evil under a lacquer of piety.


  1. Curious. According to the article, Douglass visited Ireland in 1846 for several months. That puts him there right at the beginning of the famine.

  2. Curious. According to the article, Douglass visited Ireland in 1846 for several months. That puts him there right at the beginning of the famine.

  3. I have no idea why my commetn came up twice.


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