Friday, November 27, 2020

Systemic Racism and Sexism Proven by the Election Results?

The record-breaking performance of Joe Biden offers some compelling data for the argument:

President Trump gained more than ten million votes since his 2016 victory, but Biden’s appeal was so substantial that it overcame President Trump’s record support among minority voters. Biden also shattered Barack Obama’s own popular vote totals, really calling into question whether it was not perhaps Biden who pulled Obama across the finish lines in 2008 and 2012.

It's true: Biden 2020 crushed Obama's popular vote totals of 69.5 million in 2008 and 65.9 million in 2012. Hillary nearly equaled Obama's 2012 turnout with 65.8 million votes in 2016, so Biden eclipsed her, too. 

The question people should be asking is why the Democratic electorate has so many racists and sexists who sat on their hands waiting for a white male standard-bearer during the previous three cycles? And what will they have to do to appease these 11-14 million-plus unreconstructed haters?


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